Sunday, April 22, 2012

From My Kitchen - Sunday 22nd April

A busy week at the computer, working away to get my proposal done. It will be handed in on Wednesday for a final check-over, and then I move onto Ethics approval for my project. It is never ending! Luckily, I only have one more school term left of juggling work and study, as I am finishing up at my job in July. A big step for us, especially financially, but for the best really as I need to dedicate myself entirely to my PhD. I've managed well over the past six months, but the stress of it all is turning me into a not very nice person, and I really don't want that to happen!

Anyway, enough about me, here's dinner for the week:

Sunday - chorizo and baked bean soup with homemade ciabatta
Monday - Jerusalem artichoke soup with green salad
Tuesday - baked kumara with spiced millet and greens
Wednesday - roast beetroot and kale salad with quinoa
Thursday - poached eggs over rice (sans tofu) with roast pumpkin wedges

To Do
- wholegrain sourdough
- muesli
- soak oats for porridge (it's porridge season again!) 
- soak brown rice for salad

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