Tuesday, June 7, 2011

First Knitting Success!

So, I started my first knitting project about three years ago. I decided I wanted a hot water bottle cover, after a meeting a particularly lovely merino version when staying up north in the winter months. Once I returned home, knitting ensued, and some progress was made. As I am SLOW at knitting and I couldn't bring myself to knit in the summer, this project consequently took three winters. BUT, I finally finished it this Sunday just been, after setting myself three crafting goals for this year and this being one of them. I am SO proud of myself, and can't wait to cosy up in bed with it tonight.

Luckily, I still love the colours after all this time! I think there is suppose to be a button on the front, but the buttonhole I thought I made (at least a year ago) seems to have disappeared. Maybe it's up and taken off to a garment that actually got finished... Anyway, it still works a treat and fits perfectly. This really is a proud moment in this beginner crafter's world :)

Now, since I don't have the best track record for projects, I should probably make my other two craft goals for the year public, so at least I am a little bit accountable!

So, by the end of the year I would like to:

1. Finish hot water bottle cover
2. Learn to crochet (I dream of a peggy square blanket I made myself)
3. Make a patchwork picnic rug out of thrifted vintage sheets


  1. Well done that's a great achievement. Getting something finished is so satisfying. good luck with the next projects:)

  2. Go you! I'm sure you'll achieve those other goals (though, best get a move on before the garden starts to suck up your time again!) xx
